
What’s New at Lane Community College

Date: May 12, 2023

Time: Noon to 1:15 pm

Event Type: Live/Livestream
Members and Non-Members may attend our forums for free

Venue: Maple Room, Inn at the 5th, Market District
205 E 6th Ave
Eugene, Oregon

City Club Eugene Icon
Other Details:

Enter the Maple Room at Inn at the 5th near the north stairs to 5th Avenue. Details at An optional lunch will be available from Magpie Coffee Shop; please, no outside food. Park in the lot north of the railroad tracks on High or park west of Market Square on 5th.

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Oregon Governor Mark Hatfield presented the Lane Community College charter in October 1965. Since then, LCC has played a major role in community education, teaching job skills and providing a pathway to a four-year degree, as well as offering a broad array of enrichment courses. For the six-county area from the mountains to the coast, LCC provides award-winning KLCC radio programs.

Dr. Stephanie Bulger, LCC’s new president, will discuss LCC’s visioning process and its emphasis on enrollment, fiscal responsibility, and institutional culture. She will describe the new and continuing programs at the four LCC campuses – the main campus on East 30th and satellite campuses in downtown Eugene, Florence, and Cottage Grove – and how they met the challenges caused by the pandemic. Dr. Bulger will also update us on the way LCC is using the proceeds from the $121.5 million bond issue, passed in 2020, for new construction.

The first questioner will be Dr. Scott Coltrane.


Name: Dr. Stephanie Bulger
Title: President
Organization: Lane Community College

Dr. Stephanie Bulger joined Lane Community College as its eighth president on July 1, 2022. She earned a PhD in Higher Education from the University of Michigan, an MA in literature from the University of Utah, and a BA from Brigham Young University. Prior to coming to Lane, Dr. Bulger was a vice chancellor at San Diego Community College and Wayne County Community College. She served in multiple campus and district leadership roles, including associate dean, dean of distance learning, chief academic officer, and associate vice chancellor. Her experience teaching English and community college leadership courses at colleges and universities has provided her direct insight into the student and faculty experience.

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