City Club of Eugene
Board meeting minutes 5/23/2024
Attendees: Andrew Kalloch (President), Thomas Hiura (President-elect), Kathryn Adair (Treasurer), Sandy Smalley (secretary), Sierra Dalton (intern), Marilyn Milne, Ralph Pledger and Josh Pugh (intern)
Absent: Sally Bell, Miles Pendleton, and Marti Ravits
President’s Report: Andrew
Board elections are completed. We used “Election Runner” software, costing $19. A total of 111 votes were cast.
At an earlier meeting we changed the Club bylaws to decrease the minimum number of board members to 7, with a maximum of 11. Sally and Miles have stepped off the board. With the election of 2 new members, and Marilyn terming out, we currently have 8 board members. We can add board members during the year if needed or desired. We will on-board the new members using Randi’s materials, and may schedule a lunch with the new members.
Sponsorship updates: PeaceHealth did not renew their sponsorship for this year. Lane County did not sponsor us last year, and is sponsoring at $2500 this year. Josh reached out to Luvaas Cobb, who have renewed.
Interns: Josh is preparing the Annual Report. It will be sent to 1100 people on our mailing list. Our Annual Meeting is on May 31.
Sierra is writing a membership survey.This will also be sent to 1100 people. A key question is “What would motivate you to become a member?”
There is a Wayne Morse Center grant available with the subject “Inquiry and Defending Democracy.” We would be a good fit for this, but it is due in 5 days. Our meetings with the City Club of Springfield to encourage dialogue and normalize relationships fit into the topic very well.
Treasurer’s Report: Kathryn
We have an unanticipated cost of $2,400 for Bloomerang, but Kathryn can now separate sponsorships from regular donations.
We are still down for the year, but overall we are doing well.
Media Committee Report: Marilyn
This is Marilyn’s last meeting as a board member, but she will continue to chair the Media Committee for one more year.
Her major concern is the status of our recording team. Paul Thompson will retire from the team at the end of July. If we don’t replace him at a second camera, we won’t be able to provide slide shows. Our videos reach a wider and different audience than our KLCC audience, but they aren’t absolutely necessary. Marilyn is interviewing a potential new AV intern next week who could become an event coordinator.
She still needs timely content from the program coordinators so she can post to media. Information should be sent to her at least a week in advance of the scheduled program.
Membership Committee Report: Ralph
There is a decrease in the number of renewals. Ralph sends two emails to each non-renewing member, followed by a phone call from a member of the committee.
We can consider a membership drive in September.
Program Committee: Andrew
There is one open slot for July 12. The July 26 program is the last of our programming year. We take August off.
Development: Josh
Our annual campaign is called “Summer of Support,” and kicks off July 1. Hopefully we can conclude the campaign by August 31.
Studies show that videos elicit more responses that a letter, so he is starting with a video appeal. Board members and volunteers will be asked to participate. Halfway through the campaign there will be peer-to-peer personal communications sent.
We are asking for 100% Board giving, no matter how small the contribution. We will have a matching gift. Our fundraising goal is $15,000 – $20,000. Perhaps a second match in August, if successful.
Josh will continue his followup with sponsors.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Smalley, Secretary