Measure 20-340: Renewal of Jail and Youth Services Levy
Time: Noon to 1:15 pm
Venue: Maple Room, Inn at the 5th, Market District
205 E 6th Ave
Eugene, Oregon
Enter the Maple Room at Inn at the 5th near the north stairs to 5th Avenue. Details at An optional lunch will be available from Provisions; please, no outside food. Park in the lot north of the railroad tracks on High or park west of Market Square on 5th.
Ask a question of the speakers!
This May, voters in Lane County will choose whether to renew the existing Jail and Youth Services Levy. The measure would extend the levy at the same rate: 55 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, which is expected to generate $119 million over five years, at a cost to the average homeowner of about $118 each year.
According to the County, the funds from the levy help maintain 255 jail beds, eight youth detention beds and eight youth treatment beds, and make up 52% of the total revenue that funds jail operations and 78% of the cost of mental health services provided within the jail.
We’ll hear from supporters and opponents of the levy and talk about what it means for the future of public safety in Lane County. The discussion will be moderated by Chris Lehman, KLCC’s news director.
Title: Sheriff
Organization: Lane County
Cliff Harrold is the Sheriff of Lane County and has been a part of the Sheriff’s Office since 1990 when he joined the Law Enforcement Explorer Post. He was hired into the Corrections Division as a deputy sheriff a few weeks after his 21st birthday.
Cliff’s work as a deputy includes experience in Booking and Housing operations in the Lane County Jail while assigned to the Corrections Division; as well as Court Transport, Traffic Safety Team, Main Office Patrol, Field Training Officer, and SWAT operator in the Police Services Division.
He promoted to Sergeant in 2004 and has served as the Main Office Patrol Supervisor, Municipal Contracts Sergeant, Marine Patrol Sergeant, Detective Sergeant, and Special Response Team Sergeant. He has served as a Lieutenant and Special Response Team Commander in the Police Services Division, and at the rank of Captain in both the Corrections and Police Services Divisions. In July 2016 he was promoted to Chief Deputy. He graduated from the 267th session of the FBI National Academy.
Cliff was appointed as the Sheriff of Lane County in April 2019 and elected in 2020.
Title: Treasurer
Organization: Healing Not Handcuffs
Jacob Trewe serves as treasurer for the Healing Not Handcuffs coalition in opposition to the Lane County Jail levy and as treasurer for the Eugene-Springfield Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
Jacob has a B.S. in Accounting from the University of Oregon and worked as an auditor for the Offices of Inspectors General of the U.S. Treasury Department and U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency in Washington DC.
After moving back to Eugene, he served as the treasurer for Hands and Voices of Oregon. He is a strong supporter of Health Care for All Oregon and is active in the Jefferson Westside Neighborhood Association.
As part of Eugene-Springfield DSA, Jacob has provided crucial logistic and organizational support for the Starbucks Workers United unionization drive. Jacob is also dedicated to supporting labor actions and struggles throughout the community, including actions with SEIU, GTFF, AFSCME, EEA, Teamsters, and IAM.